
D16 PunchBOX is a virtual instrument designed for creating high-quality kick drum sounds. An equally vast and exquisite factory content delivered by industry-standard sound designers Sounds of Revolution and CFA-Sound gets you started in no time.
Synthesis & sampling shaking hands in one plugin
PunchBOX easily brings together the best of the two worlds. The expressiveness of synthesized sounds next to the richness and complexity of samples end up delivering top-notch, never-heard and dancefloor-crushing kick sound.
Each of the onboard samples is a little diamond in itself, crafted with professional experience, precious pieces of studio equipment, top-shelf instruments and vintage analog gear. The kick sound synthesizers, originating from highly acclaimed D16 emulations of classic Roland drum machines, were taken to the next level and customized to perfectly fit the purpose of PunchBOX.
The very heart of PunchBOX is comprised of four sound generators, each of them standing for a key component of the final majestic kick sound. Factory settings were created to allow influencing the sound in a unique, intuitive and inspiring way.
Vast quality factory content
The best sound designers out there prepared an arsenal of 1100 samples and 800 presets suitable for pretty much all contemporary subgenres of electronic music. It’s never been easier to keep up or even exceed the most recent trends in music production and sound quality standard. Organized using the reknowned D16 tagging system makes browsing for the right (base) sound easy, efficient and smooth.
An effect rack that get’s your kicks
Fulfilling you every need when it comes to taking a kick sound to the next level drove the PunchBOX dev team to create an effect rack with (almost) unlimited power. Switching effect order by simple drag’n’drop? Varying effect amounts with a simple click? Feeding an effect with only a small proportion of sound generator X? It’s all in there!
Intuitive & inspiring workflow
The PunchBOX dev team worked hard to offer you an interface that understands your needs – and not the usual other way round. You’ll immediate feel like working with Lego and see how simple it is to just activate/deactivate/level the building blocks of a kick sound – and all of that only a mouse click, wheel turn or drag’n’drop away. Not feeling creative today? Not a problem, just browse through the perfectly tagged presets or use the random sound generator!
NOTE: After purchase you will receive a serial number. You have to register the serial number / license at D16 User Area, It’s a place where all our D16 products you purchased are gathered to give you possibility of downloading them anytime you want including the latest updates. (for first installation, when update is released, you need to re-install software etc). More infos:
Key Features
Sound Sources:
– Up to 4 generators, operating in parallel, activated/deactivated independently
– Click – Sample-based, produces Kick accent
– Tops – Sample-based, produces e.g. hihats, percussion and noise
– Tools – Sample-based, produces almost full Kicks without sub
– Kick – Sample-based or Synth-based, produces the Kick’s body. 4 synthesis engines for Synth Mode to select from:
– 909 Kick model
– 808 Kick model
– 606 Kick model
– Sine wave based Kick model
– Audio-to-effect send per generator
– 1 voice of polyphony
– Optional MIDI velocity sensitivity and pitch tracking
Built-in Effect Rack:
– 5 high-quality algorithms operating in series, may be independently turned on/off and reordered by drag’n’drop:
– Equalizer
– Bit Crusher
– Distortion
– Filter
– Limiter
– Controllable connection point in the effect chain for the generators’ direct output (Mixdown after)
Samples and Presets:
– Vast factory content designed by CFA-Sound and Sounds of Revolution
– 800 presets
– 1100 samples
– Suitably tagged
– Tag-based Preset and Sample browsers
– Preview option
– User may import own samples
– 7 preset categories (hierarchically ordered)
– Global / Master presets
– 909 Synth engine
– 808 Synth engine
– 606 Synth engine
– Sine Synth engine
– Bitcrusher Effect
– Distortion Effect
– MIDI Learn option
– Flexible Randomizer
– Direct Export function (export your final kick as WAV file)
Additional Media
System Requirements
Windows OS:
– Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
– 2.0 Ghz with SSE (Multicore system 2.4 Ghz recommended)
– 4 GB RAM
– VST / AAX compatible host application (32bit or 64bit)
NOTE: It’s not a standalone program so you need a host application to use it.
Mac OSX:
– 10.7.x, 10.8.x, 10.9.x, 10.10.x, 10.11.x
– Intel based 2.0 Ghz (2.4 Ghz recommended)
– 4 GB RAM
– AU / VST / AAX compatible host application (32bit or 64bit)
Artist & Press Reviews
Richard Devine
D16’s PunchBox, is one of the best kick drum synthesis instruments I have come across. The combination of built in synthesis and vast factory samples, allow you to make almost any kick drum imaginable, absolutely incredible!
I love D16. Syntorus is in all my productions, giving character and strengh to my strings and synths. Devastor2 is thrilling in bass and drums. Right now I’m discovering PunchBox, and I can see infinite posibilities to create completely custom kick drums.
Pig & Dan
Punchbox is hands down the most versatile goto plug in for creating unique juicy kick drums. The flexibility of parameters enables quick and effective creativity without stumping your flow. These days the Kick is the root of all music and has become possibly the most prominent groove setter in all realms of genre. Punchbox brings all the juicy warmth with buckets of grit however without losing the punch it’s title suggests.
Robert Babicz
One of my goto places for a kick at the moment, very punchy and flexible kicks from the PunchBox.
Thomas Gold
First of all, I love the GUI, it looks gritty and vintage but still is very intuitive and easy to use. You start the plugin and basically no manual needed. Dial in a sound and there you go. To put it simple, the overall sound is amazing. The kicks are fat, warm, tight, punchy, clean, dirty, long, short, etc. – anything is possible. Kicks are either fixed note or playable over the keyboard which is great. Regarding the sound design, I absolutely love the fact that you have so many options . With three separate sections for Click, Tops and Tools you have more than enough possibilities to enhance your basic kick sound with any sound you like to, and itâs fun to play around with the filers and strereo spread of these sections. The basic kick processors has a tight sound and all the models sound sick! I also love the different FX options, they really can make your kick sound special and add even more versatility. Really a fan of this beast and I am definitely going to use this for my future productions! 10 out of 10!
Jason Nevins
Punchbox is one of the most advanced and editable bass drum / kick synths out there. Although I have other similar pluins- which do have their own great features…Punchbox delivers an amazing sound design backend as well. It basically has a 500 series rack of gear just for your drums. Bitcrusher, distortion, filter, eq and limiter are all built in. You start with the basic drum sound, whether a 909, 808, 606 or sine wave and tweak away from there. You can completely customize your sound to the smallest definition of what you are looking for. The faceplate is very cool as well- completely retro and realistic. This was well thought out and the sound is incredible!
Guy J
I love PunchBox! The sound is great! It’s so easy to make changes and i am already using it for my upcoming production!
Dr Motte
Throw away all your kick samples now and use PunchBox by d16group instead.
Prok & Fitch
Loving this vsti! There’s so much scope to be experimental and really get your kicks sounding unique. There’s very little need for external processing as everything you have on the front panel sounds ace, especially liking the distortion to give that old school crunch and the option to add a little extra snap to the front of your kick is a cool feature. The built in drum machines to either layer your kick or build a new one are a great touch, so pretty much every base is covered. We’ll be using this a lot!
DJ Shah
Punchbox is a really cool toolbox to create the perfect bass drums, fast and simple for almost any dance genre. The presets are great starting points and you can shape it fast and easy into any direction, just the way you need it. I also like the way it is structured and if you are not a sound designer you can even learn how to layer a perfect bass drum.
Scott Yahney
Punchbox is light years ahead of any kickdrum plugin I’ve ever heard. the sound,flexibility & interface are AMAZING !!!! a must have for anyone serious about taking kickdrum sounds to a new level !! Insane!
Ralf Hindenbeutel
Punchbox sounds really massive and warm, clean or dirty. Has lots of options but is yet very easy to handle. Thumbs up & kudos!
Punchbox provides all the weight, punch and grit I need from a kick. Kicks are the foundation of my music and are often the only bass element in my tracks, therefore it is essential that they are perfect and with Punchbox the layering options and effects make achieving this easier than with any other software percussion solution. Punchbox has a flexibility and sound quality that will ensure it’s my first choice for kicks for a long time.
Torsten Stenzel
I am sure the Punchbox will be a new standard when it comes to create your own kick, i like its versatility and the key track kicks sound excellent and very powerful!
Computer Music Magazine UK
Coming from the developers of the Nepheton and Drumazon TR-808/909 emulations, it’s no surprise that the four synths of PunchBox’s Kick module sound fantastic. […] There’s quite possibly no conceivable kick drum sound for electronic music that PunchBox couldn’t create! Rating: 9/10 + Performance Award!
Music Tech Magazine UK
…with its enormous sample library, intuitive but extensive parameters and effects, and 800 tagged presets, it’s a bass drum design powerhouse, and hours are easily lost blending and tweaking the four layers in the quest for the perfect kick. Verdict: There’s quite possibly no conceivable kick drum sound for electronic music that PunchBox couldn’t create!
Beat Magazine Germany
Ob Sie die produktionsfertigen Presets nutzen oder die Bassdrum Ihrer Träume programmieren möchten: Mit seinem druckvollen und variablen Klang zeigt sich PunchBOX für alle Spielarten der elektronischen Musik gewappnet. Der hochwertige Sample-Content verleiht auch den klassischen Sounds der Roland-Drum-Maschinen einen modernen Anstrich. Die vielfältige und expressive Klangerzeugung, die musikalische Effekte und die intuitive Bedienung sorgen dabei für ein hohen Spaßfaktor bei der Erzeugung eigener Kicks. Rating: 6/6 + Empfehlung der Redaktion!
Die Klanggeneratoren und Effekte, kombiniert mit einer spielerisch entworfenen Automation diverser Parameter macht die PunchBox zu dem mit Abstand lebendigsten Spektakel der Bassdrum-Geschichte. …Unter dem Angebot an virtuellen Bassdrums für die Sparte Club/Dance (wo es nicht auf fein aufgelöste Velocity-Layer ankommt und rein akustische Bassdrums weniger gefragt sind) ist die PunchBox das Top-Produkt schlechthin. Top product award
Ich bin von PunchBox absolut überzeugt und kann es mit gutem Gewissen jedem empfehlen, der sich mit gesampleten Kickdrums oder laschen Synth-Kicks nicht zufrieden geben will. PunchBox ist ein vielseitiger Kickdrum-Generator, der mit einem MIDI-Controller wahrlich zu einem mächtigen Kick-Instrument emporsteigt. Die vorbildliche Klangqualität, die breitbandige Sample-Auswahl und nicht zuletzt die Möglichkeit des eigenen Sample-Imports machen PunchBox zu einem kompromisslosen Partner für beeindruckende Kickdrums. Redaktionstipp!
DJ Mag
All in all, this kick-drum instrument from D16 Group is fun and easy to use. The large amount of factory content is definitely helpful, but as the instrument relies on a ‘building block’-type of operation, users will have no problem achieving the desired kick-drum sound.
Resident Advisor
Punchbox becomes exponentially more musical when you start automating the pitch, decays and effects settings—I could imagine someone like Peder Mannerfelt making an entire track of power electronics with this thing. What’s more, you can also load your own samples into it. While a drum layering master probably has these techniques down, I found Punchbox to be an easy means to get to grips with it. Rating: 4.1/5
Bedroom Producer Blog
PunchBOX by D16 Group is a very complete toolkit for making modern kick drum sounds. It can give you anything from punchy analog style kicks to heavily layered house kicks, trap 808s, pitched 808 basslines, and even distorted industrial and hardcore kicks.
PunchBOX ist ein Plug-in zur Gestaltung individueller Bassdrums, es lässt sich genreübergreifend von Trap über Pop bis Techno einsetzen. Durch authentische Emulationen beliebter Drum-Machines von Roland, kombiniert mit einer gut sortierten Sample-Library, ermöglicht der Bassdrum-Hybride aufwendige Layerings im Handumdrehen. Die Effekt-Module sind zwar nicht änderbar, bieten jedoch eine solide Grundausstattung zum Schrauben einer fetten Kick. Die praxisnahen Im- und Export-Features sowie die Random-Funktionen sind das Sahnehäubchen dieses mit 79 Euro ausgesprochen günstigen Plug-ins.
Keys Magazine Germany
Punchbox ist ein Muss für jeden Musiker, der elektronische Musik produziert. Neben der massiven Presetauswahl hat man hier im Handumdrehen überzeugend klingende Bassdrums mit Charakter für die eigene Produktion erstellt. Neben den sehr guten Presets spielen auch die mitgelieferten Samples in der obersten Liga mit. Wer auf der Suche nach der Bassdrum für den nächsten Trap-, EDM-, Dubstep- oder Techno-track ist, findet mit Punchbox innerhalb kürzester Zeit die passende Lösung. Bei einen Preis von 79 Euro muss man da gar nicht lange überlegen.
Fazit: PunchBOX kann durchaus als innovativ bezeichnet werden, was das Gesamtkonzept inklusive der Zusammenstellung der Teilmodule, das Routing und die Umsetzung einzelner Ideen wie Randomize und Sample Export angeht. Dank der Effekte ist Punchbox ein kompaktes Sounddesigntool, das man durchaus auch kreativ zur Umgestaltung anderer, eigener Souds umfunktionieren kann – auch wenn vielleicht ein Hall fehlt. In erster Linie ist es aber natürlich ein Kickdrum Spezialist, und es gibt kaum eine elktronische Bassdrum, die ein Punchbox-Besitzer nicht nachbauen kann. Die Kombination aus Sample Libraries und Drumcomputer-Simulation überzeugt. […]
Positiv: guter Sounds / gute Library / gute Effekte mit zahreichen gut klingenden Nuancen / zweckorientierter Spezialist mit hierfür optimiertem Workflow.
Negativ: etwas wenig Modulationsoptionen für Samples / Effektauswahl etwas reduziert
Puchbox lässt es krachen. D16 ist ja schon lange die Instanz für x0x-Emulationen jeglicher Art. Besseres wird man als Software nur schwer finden, obwohl StiX von Xils-Lab ja auch schon sehr fett rüberkommt. Die nächstliegende Konkurrenz […] Aber ich denke, keines davon hat die Balance zwischen unmittelbarem Zugang und Klangformungsmöglichkeiten so gut getroffen wie D16 Group Punchbox. Die komplette MIDI-fizierung wirklich jedes Parameters macht sie mehr zum einem expressiveren Instrument als die anderen Plug-ins. Durch die Verwendung von externen Samples lädt Punchbox noch zu den abwegigsten Soundexperimenten ein. Wenn man das Key-Tracking einschaltet, wird daraus sogar ein monophoner Synthesizer. Bewertung: Sehr gut (3/3)