Get over 600 presets and 100 MIDIs for Native Instruments workhorse synthesizer Massive by CFA-Sound with this exclusive „Overload Massive Bundle“ for a massive discount of 40%!
Created over many years, awarded by artists and magazines, every one of the 7 contained soundsets in this unique bundle provides high quality presets with full macro control allocation for a focused genre. Starting from the „Futured E-1 Beats & Bytes“ soundset with 100 inspiring presets for electro house, „Futured E-2 Expander“ with 100 velvet synths and evolving soundscapes for downtempo and cinematic music. „Futured E-3 Hardsync“ delivering 100 harder electro sounds for trance and harddance. Followed by „Massive Complextro Tools“ with 63 heavy dubstep sounds and 80 MIDIs, which maded up to the Top3 on Loopmasters bestseller list. With „Massive Electro House Tools“ there`re 65 bass-shaking presets and 82 inspiring MIDI files ready to use. With „Massive Future Bass Presets“ 90 superb sounds for modern future bass and trap music are included aswell. And finalized with our latest soundsets „Massive Berlin Techno Presets“ you will get 94 driving techno patches, inspired by the classic dark Berlin based techno styles. All in all – a kingsize collection of prisitine and inspiring Massive presets for a high variety of genres – for a compelling price of 70% less than regular (only during Cyber Monday Sale)!
– 612 Massive Presets
– 162 MIDI Files
– Full Macro Control Allocation
– suitable for a high variety of genres
– sorted in categories
Native Instruments Massive v1.5.1 or later
The Bundle includes
A supreme sound collection of 94 presets for a truely Berlin-based synthesizer from Native Instruments? Exactly – here you go with CFA-Sound`s Massive Berlin Techno Presets! Inspired by the sound of artists like Adam Bayer, Enrico Sangiuliano, Oliver Koletzki, Thomas Schuhmacher, Pig&Dan, Monika Kurse, ANNA, and others.
This arsenal of superb presets delivers all the sounds you need for your next Future Bass track. Big moving chord leads, sub shaking basses and lofi synths for complex arpeggios, followed by super lush pads together with charismatic keys and beautiful pluck sounds to create athmospheric tracks with a lot of soul and depth.
Loaded with 65 state of the art NI Massive Presets – covering all those heavy bad-ass basses, wicked tonal fx modulations, spicy plucks, of course huge bigroom leads and so much more. Rounded up with 8 construction kits consisting of 82 MIDIs focused on the latest EDM club bombs.
Get a powerful arsenal of 63 top-notch presets with full macro controll allocation, covering hard & dirty basses, big lead sounds, charismatic monophonic synths, thrilling fx sounds and more. In addition Massive Complextro Tools provides 7 full construction kits with 80 MIDI files. Summarized it`s an all-you-need package for every complextro, electro house and dubstep producer!
Hardsync – the third episode of the futured soundset series for the Native Instruments Massive synthesizer. This soundset shows how massive he really is: loaded with 100 patches from raw and pushing basses, fat leads and unique synths to hot bass-sequences for trance, hardtrance and hardelectro
This amazing soundset contains 100 ambient sounds – epic athmospheres, velvet pads, evolving soundscapes and crystal clear synth-sounds. Ideal for ambient, chillout, filmscore and also for epic trance-athmos.
The soundset contains 100 really massive electro, house and minimal sounds. From raging basses to pushing beats and sequences right up to amazing synth sounds with complete macro-control allocation in full range.
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Artist & Press Reviews

Great job from CFA Sound & Resonance Sound. Great sounds for any EDM project. Having the MIDI construction kits are amazing because you can really get a feel of what each of the sounds can do. You can either use the construction kit as a starting point- or take it in your own direction. The kits also make it easy to use each sound individually in other tracks because you now know what each sound can produce. All the sounds in this pack range from the mild to super hard. NI’s Massive is a great synth but having these essential presets make it even better. Rating: 9/10

Some really cool Massive presets, which will fit in to a lot of different styles. Well organized, and clever macro’s. Lots of potential inspiration coming out of browsing through the sounds! Rating: 8/10

A well presented library of 65 patches for Native Instruments’ Massive synth, accompanied by eight MIDI file construction kits – simply point each track to a Massive with the speci?ied patch loaded. The setup works well and the patches are fantastic – tough, characterful, on-trend and making good use of Massive’s macros to enable quick but effective editing. Rating: 8/10

If filthy dirty aggressive bass driven house is your thing look no further than CFA-Sounds latest release Massive Electro House Tools as CFA-Sounds successfully focus on recreating all the huge Electro House sounds that you can hear smashing club dance floors all over the world. Rating: 9/10

For complextro bass sounds- its hard to find much better than this. The bass sounds are hard as HELL ! Mostly already arpeggiated- which is amazing, these sounds are straight up complextro or dubstep. Either way- they sound perfect. The leads are ok, but the fx sounds and bass sounds are what you are buying this for. Great job by CFA !!
Rating: 10/10

This package is so much fun to work with right now. The style is so on-point of what is happening in the electronic music at the moment. It has a whole set of really nice growls with the bottom and top end to get that nasty Dubstepy sound of today. Loading these presets into your Massive is pretty easy and the Massive saves the actual preset in the syth which not all do, so you dont have to load the presets in every time you open a new syth. Thanx… Rating: 10/10

Great soundset for massive! the bass sounds are phat and punchy and have great modulations already built-in! also the fx sound section works well for me. the lead sounds could be a bit more edgy and cutting through but all in all a solid package! Rating: 9/10

CFA delivers a high powered pack for NI’s Massive. With lots of packs on the market CFA’s newest pack shines thru in a big way. The sound set is phat and chunky as you would expect a Complextro preset pack for Massive. I love the midi construction kits in this pack. They would be great for anyone starting out or if ure looking for a quick fix of Complextro in a flash. Over all this pack is dope as and should not be over looked esp producers looking to add edgy sounds to there Massive preset collection. Rating: 8/10

I’ve tried out the soundsets extensively right now and I must say I’m very impressed. They suit the sound of today’s dance music very well and even opens up for creative work to sculpture the sound of the dance music to come. Diverse and well made patches that should be a part of every dance music producer out there. I’m especially impressed with the bass patches.

Trance und Co. ist bei diesem Set angesagt, und dementsprechend gibt es Bässe, Sequencer-Sounds und vor allem Leads. Sie alle sind fett und böse und sägen sich schön durch alle Membranen, die ihnen im Wege stehen.

What a beautiful collection of sounds! You get a wide range of sounds, from sharp eerie atmospheres to lush plucked sounds to amazing organic pads. Browsing the presets I found just about every single patch completely inspiring.

Ambient, bedrohliche Filmmusik (Sci-Fi und Horror) oder auch elektronische Club-Intros lassen sich damit bestens vertonen. Biestig sind sie aber auch hier, sanften Schönklang gibt es nur selten und auch keine ausgedehnten Workstation-Fantasy-Sounds à la Korg.

Die minimalen Club-Styles sollten es Ihnen angetan haben, wenn Sie dieses Soundset einsetzen wollen: Bässe, Sequence- und Synthsounds finden sie hier. Fast alle sind sie laut und heftig, kaum einer kommt bescheiden oder zurückhaltend daher. Meistens sägt und dröhnt es böse ausden Membranen, viel Filter-FM wurde eingesetzt.